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Poker Body Language

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Bluffing, whether you like it or not, is and will always be a part of any poker match. Making a successful bluff can give you not only good amount of money but also a very satisfying win. Imagine outsmarting your opponents with a very bad card—that will surely make your day. However, being the one who lost in poker bluff is certainly not a good feeling.

Poker Body Language

This is the main reason why we created this blog post. Surely, knowing how to bluff is an important and very complicated skill you must learn in poker. However, knowing how to spot a poker bluff is also an essential skill in the game. Good thing there are ways to do it.

There are subconscious movements or behaviors at the table that can help you spot a likely bluff. Listen to the body language of your opponent. These subconscious movements may suggest you the best possible move you can make in the game. For instance, you saw one of your opponents begun sweating while looking down on his or her stacks. This may indicate that the player is bluffing.

Poker Body Language Book

We listed down below some of the body languages which indicate that a player is bluffing or not. But be cautious about making the hero call. Some players may also know about this subconscious movement and may use it purposely to send you the wrong signal. You’ve been warned.

Breathing heavily


Breathing is one of the movements we humans can’t control. That is why a sudden change in breathing can tell you something. When your opponent starts to breathe heavily this means that something in the game is stressing them. You will see this sudden change when you are close to your opponent. Once you notice this, start observing their actions. If he/she suddenly make a huge raise then there’s a good chance that he/she is bluffing. In addition to this, shallow breathing and frequent inhalation may suggest that the player has a weak hand or he/she doesn’t know what to do.

There are a few body language clues that are almost absolutes in the poker world, especially from recreational players: Shaking hands. Shaking hands is not the sign of nervousness, it’s the sign of built up anxiety suddenly being released, and almost without exception means a monster hand. BO DY LANGUAGE FOR POKER PLAYERS: SPOTTING TELLS It's one of the most talked about parts of poker: the tells. Whether or not you are at a multi-table tournament or a cash game, poker tells are always there. The pro's learn to hide them, the amateurs die by them. No matter your skill level, you too can learn to profit f. Body language, in the form of poker tells,is a great way to get information on an opponent’s strength/weakness. Find out how to use it to your benefit. Photo by PAF Poker Challenge // C.C. BY 2.0 When you play live-action poker, learn to observe other players’ body language. A very general rule to follow is this: strong body language means the player has a weak hand, and weak or disinterested body language means the player has a strong hand. That's exactly what the more than 170 photographs in Mike Caro's Book of Tells will teach you by showing the proven Body Language of Poker. With these long-guarded professional secrets, you'll know for certain what poker hand your opponent is holding, almost as if he's shown it face up on the table!

Eye movement

For starter, you can tell that when a person can’t look in another’s eye, he/she is afraid. With this, you can easily tell if your opponent is bluffing. You should also pay attention to the eye movement. When your opponent look at the left or up and to the left, this could mean that the opponent is bluffing.

You should also observe where your opponent is looking at after the cards are dealt. Experts say that when players keep on staring at the board after the community card, this may indicate that he doesn’t have a good card. However, if he looks away almost instantly—he might got a good hand.


Eye movement can also say many things but unlike breathing, it is more controllable so we suggest no to base on eye movement. You might already heard the saying, “Eyes are the windows to the soul”. Yes, it might be true. Many psychologists claim that you can tell if a person is lying by looking at his eyes. However, the thing here is that this saying is very famous and your opponent surely has heard of that. Even unskilled players can control their faces and eye. Some even can look in your face while bluffing.

Tense shoulder

Having a tense shoulder in the game may mean that the person is stressed in the game. If you notice that a person crunch their shoulders upward and inwards, it could mean that the opponent is scared or has a weak hand.

Hard Swallow

Swallow is an indication of nervousness in the game. So when you notice that a player swallows hard after making a bet or raise, it is possible that he is bluffing.

Feet movement

Many experts suggest that looking at the opponent’s feet movement is more reliable than observing the face in spotting a bluff in poker. They say that poker players are more aware of their faces compared to their lower body parts. Players who have good hands usually are relax and move their feet unconsciously. If their feet are stiff or frozen, it means that the player isn’t comfortable. If he raises or bet a high value then this might be a bluff.

Poker Reads Body Language

The ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’

The rule of thumb says that people who use sentence fillers like “um” and ‘uh” are likely to be liars. Why? It is because that these and other sentence fillers are used to pause giving the player time to thinks and make things up. Usually, these sentence fillers are being used unconsciously so watch out for these words and pauses. If you have opportunity, try asking your opponent if he’s bluffing after making bet. If he uses the sentence filler, there is a strong possibility that he’s bluffing.

If you really wanted to spot a poker bluff, it is important to observe every change in the behavior of players, specifically on the way they bet. For instance, a player who was quiet or shy in the game start to become talkative while betting, then you can say that this person is bluffing.

Keep in mind that a player with good hand will likely appear weak in the game. He will not put much of a show or frighten the other players because he knows he’s going to win. On the other hand, players with a weak hand will try to appear strong. He will appear optimistic and overconfident. Expect that they will intimidate other players in the game.

Poker Body Language Tells

This guide will help you spot some bluffing in a poker game. Just be cautious, your opponent might have also read this article. Poker isn’t a game of chance. It’s a game of decision. The one who made the right decision will win the round.